20 things to pay attention to while doing yoga

20 things to pay attention to while doing yoga

Yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotions in a practical way. Yoga is derived from the elements of asana, pranayama and meditation. Yoga body a limb, mashshaputra, nasai to be fit and healthy.

Physical and Mental Healing Yoga is a universal vendor. It is so powerful and influential that the principles of harmony and integration also work. What is the point of being a yogi? This person has wisdom, rules and events.

The rules of yoga

  1. Yoga is perfect on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. If the food is cooked, 4 hours paste should be considered best.
  3. Cook only half an hour without any yoga.
  4. What will be the sum for regular minimum 20 minutes and maximum 90 minutes.
  5. Wear loose and simple clothes in yoga. Only enough can be tough.
  6. What good is a cool, clean, airy and nando number article?
  7. When practicing glasses or contact lenses
  8. Yoga is just a demonstration of defecation but some are more beneficial.
  9. Strict article on women’s menstruation. Do not run oil.
    Meditation and pranayama during 10 months of menstruation.
    Indications to gradually increase the time of 11 yoga poses by 15 seconds to 3 minutes.
    Twelve days ago, the head was lowered and the head was lowered
    13 Any postures when the body is forcibly attached.
    14 Seek yoga advice from a chronically ill person.
    15 Problems and benefits from yoga at least 3 of the regular monthly part of the regular.
    16 High blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory problems when breathing to stop.
    17 bowed down with bowel and amnesia to hold their breath.
    18 Operational patients after at least 2 years or only after consulting Prakash.
  10. Yoga is indispensable for the control and diagnosis of asthma, textile disorders, bath disease.
    20 Synthesis, the automatic material of the body to remove physical disorders is of proper importance.

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